Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meet With Avarius

How a Siberian lives in the world of bengals.

Avarius's story begins a few years before he was born, his parents Sarafina and Karkerov were born in the wilds of the southern most part of Russia and captured a few years apart by poachers when they were cubs and were eventually sold to a traveling Russian circus as animal performers for the greedy twoleggers called Man. The Russians, knowing that the siberian tigers were the largest of all the tiger sub-species decided to travel all throughout China to show off the size of their mighty tiger performers. Sarafina and Karkerov were forced to do many inhumane tricks for the twoleggers enjoyment, such as jumping through flaming hoops, and were horribly abused by their trainers. Their lives not their own. When Sarafina was nearing the age of 12 and Karkerov nearing the age of 15, the train they were on crashed near the Burma and China boarders where the two escaped into the wilderness and ran as far as they could until a year later when they came across a majestic looking temple in northern Burma, the tiny temple made of white marble and seemingly unaged by the jungle overgrowth looking newly built despite that it was built many hundreds of years ago. A year later the pair gave birth to two male cubs, Avarius and Kenzule. But shortly after their birth their father Karkerov traveled into the jungle to catch a meal for his small family and was never seen again. Sadly when Kenzule and Avarius were only a few months old poachers came and stole Kenzule away, but Avaruis and his mother managed to escape. Sarafina, her heart broken forever by the loss of her beloved companion Karkerov and young son Kenzule managed to raise Avarius until he was old enough to hunt on his own and then she herself soon disappeared from Avarius's life forever.
The harsh reality hit Avarius as he had no family or friends. Filled with hate toward other tigers, he stayed far from them, and isolated himself to his own temple home. The years would go by, and slowly he began to wonder what other tigers were like. One day another male tiger - older, and seemingly stronger than him came to his temple. At first Avarius welcomed the visitor, wanting a friend now. However, the tiger only attacked him to try to take his home. Filled with buried rage from all his life, the other tiger didn't stand a chance. It would take another year for him to finally venture out into the jungle beyond his hunting grounds. Avarius soon stumbled upon another temple, full of many tigers where he met a tigress named Rajah and her sisters Shasadee and Miyuki, they were extremely kind to him and offered him a home among themselves and the rest of the tigers at their temple. Avarius was overjoyed at the idea of meeting tigers that could be his friends and shortly after being at their temple he met the young and very beautiful Zahara, a 5 year old Golden Bengal Tabby Tigress. In awe of her beauty and excitement for adventure, Avarius knew he absolutely had to get to know her, Her playfulness and adventurous spirit calling to him, as he had never met such a tiger as she. Avarius soon found himself not able to leave her side but for maybe long enough to hunt, and was completely overjoyed at the way she seemed to glow like a bright light under his constant attention and they soon became tight companions. After stumbling upon the Temple of the Tigers and meeting his adored companion, Avarius is now learning how to live, and how to be a tiger once again. Avarius and Zahara still sometimes visit Avarius's first temple home.

Avarius is 10ft long from nose to tassle tip and weights roughly about 610lbs.

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